AFRICAN YOUTH DAY: National Youth Conference an opportunity to deepen youth engagements – Sunday Dare

Oru Leonard

The Minister of Youth and Sports Development in Nigeria, Honourable Sunday Dare has said that the National Youth Conference which holds from 1st- 3rd November, 2021 is a good opportunity to deepen youth engagements, conversations and collaborations. But beyond all of these to begin to ACT timeously in addressing the needs of our youth.

The Minister said this while delivering his welcome speech today at the Moshood Abiola Stadium to kick start the first National Youth Conference.

He noted that the significance of November 1 for the average youth and the activities around this day accentuates the youth agenda and concentrates our minds and commitment to do something and do more for our youth.

“Today , Nigeria joins the Continent in marking the Africa Youth day. At the same time, November 1, is a day dedicated to celebrate Nigerian youth as a National Youth day by the Government of President Muhammadu Buhari”, he said.

Dare disclosed that the decision to hold a delegate based National Youth conference such as this was not a difficult one but how to develop the thematic areas and design a conference template that will make the youth hold a conversation amongst themselves with the government playing a listening ear.

But beyond that to see the youth come up with workable suggestions and ideas that are able to be processed by government.

He advised the participating youths to pause read the quotes in the velodrome of the venue as they can be useful, especially the Vice President Osinbajo quote which stated, “Our young people are full of zest, ideas and creative energy and sometimes they get understandably frustrated with the inability of our institutions to keep pace with their vision and dynamism. But we must not let agents of discord weaponize this frustration and turn it into a severe rupture within the country.” – VP Osinbajo.

Dare said nothing captures the moment better, nothing reflects on our situation better challenging our youth to greater ideas.

He further noted that across the Continent the issues that tug at the heart of youth development are not far fetched. “When taken in isolation they simply magnify. But when taken in relation to each other we begin to see not just the problems but also the solutions.

“The issues of youth inclusiveness in governance, employment and Security resonates well well among the youth. We also find them high up on the agenda of the United Nations, Governments and private organizations. How do we bring our youth on board as Learners and decision makers. How do we increase the investments in their skills and businesses ? How do we provide funds for them. How Do we support them to become self starters and entrepreneurs? Wealth creators and employers of labor. And much more”, he asked

He stressed that Nigerian Youths and indeed African Youths have come of age, setting new standards, breaking barriers and expanding the the frontiers of innovation and technology. Also Dominating the creative arts and entertainment.

“In governance we see young law makers. Young people leading organisations in Private and Public sectors. We do not need to look any further to know that the CEOs of tomorrow are here already. The leaders of tomorrow are moving into place. Taking their places. Asking for things to be done differently and leading the way with the power of their ideas and the strength of their conviction.

“Today. I celebrate the youth population because of their great potentials. Their creativity and their determination to succeed.

As the Ministry saddled with the responsibility of drawing up the pathway for the Nigerian Youth, we knew we had to do things differently in line with the vision and policy drive of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration”, butressed.

He said the Ministry has put together for the next three days a private sector- driven initiative planned by some of the most creative young minds Nigeria has produced, a reflection of what is possible and realisation of who we truly are
and congratulate all delegates, ten from each of the thirty-six States of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory, the representatives of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), NYCN and some other major youth groups across the country. This is your conference. So let’s have the ideas roll out and let’s work to produce a plan of action for the youth of our country.

Participation will be both physical and virtual at all general and breakout sessions.

Africa Youth Day was I instituted by the Africa Union commission, November 1st of each year is used to promote Africa’s youth awareness creation on the participation towards -The Africa we want Development.

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