A New Era for Investigative Journalism: Malam Abdulrahman Aliagan Takes the Helm

Oru Leonard 

Today, August 3rd, 2024, has marked a significant milestone for the Nigerian Guild of Investigative Journalists (NGIJ) as Malam Abdulrahman Aliagan has been elected as the new National President.

The voting which took place through email was conducted on a platform platform called Straw Poll, in the most transparent elections this writer as ever witnessed and participated.

In a landmark victory, Kwara-Born Malam AbdulRahman Aliagan from has been elected as the new President of the Nigerian Guild of Investigative Journalists (NGIJ). Aliagan, who currently serves as the Group Managing Editor of Time Nigeria Magazine, TimeNigeria Online, and The ArtDaily Nigeria, secured 57% of the total votes cast by delegates during the virtual election held on Saturday, August 3, 2024.

Addressing the audience after his election, Aliagan expressed his immense gratitude for the trust and confidence placed in him by his fellow NGIJ members. “I am both humbled and inspired by this honor, and I promise to dedicate every ounce of my energy and passion to leading our Guild to new heights,” he said.

Aliagan, who previously served as the pioneer General Secretary of the Guild, outlined his vision for the NGIJ, which includes forging new partnerships, strengthening ties with national and international organizations, and elevating the Guild to unprecedented heights.

As he accepted the mantle of leadership, Aliagan acknowledged the trust placed in him and pledged to dedicate his energy to advancing the Guild’s mission. His words resonated deeply, leaving no doubt that a new era of growth and success had begun.

The President elect emphasized the importance of unity within the Guild, stating, “We may have had spirited debates and different perspectives during the campaign, but now is the time for us to come together as one, indivisible Guild. Our diversity is our strength, and I pledge to work tirelessly to harness the unique talents and experiences that each of you bring to the table.”

Aliagan’s election coincides with his birthday, making it a “double celebration” for the NGIJ and the new President. “I am truly humbled and overjoyed to share this moment with all of you, my cherished colleagues and friends,” he said, as he raised a toast to the Guild and the promise of a better Nigeria.

The newly elected NGIJ executive team includes Oyewale Oyelola as Vice President 1 (Administration & Communications Strategy), Comrade James Ezema as Vice President 2 (Investigations), Rowland Shuwa as General Secretary, Gbenga Shaba as Treasurer, Ifeoma Ikem as Auditor, and Abdullahi Gulloma as Public Relations Officer.

The Chairman of the NGIJ National Electoral Committee, Olalekan Oladigbo, announced that the Aliagan-led executive will serve for a two-year term, further strengthening the Guild’s commitment to democratic processes and good governance.

With Aliagan at the helm, the NGIJ was poised to tackle the challenges of investigative journalism with renewed vigor and determination. His leadership marked a turning point, one that would propel the Guild toward achieving extraordinary things. As the audience erupted in applause, it was clear that a bright future lay ahead for the Nigerian Guild of Investigative Journalists.

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