SAMOA AGREEMENT: Biased Media, Bad Opposition And Fake Wailers

By Umar Nura

BEFORE we proceed to dissect the and give our take on the controversial Samoa Agreement, we will like to categorically state that the Concerned Northern Elite Forum is a non-political, non-commercial and non-partisan body.

Our interest is the north and Nigeria as a whole, and we will continue to fight and push away any action or journey that will bring the north and Nigeria to disrepute in the interest of the general public.

Having said that, on June 28, 2024, Nigeria signed the Samoa Agreement at the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium. The partnership agreement is between the European Union, EU and its member states, on one hand, and the members of the Organization of African, Caribbean Pacific States on the other.

Negotiations on the agreement started in 2018, on the sidelines of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. It was signed in Apia, Samoa on November 15th 2018 by all 27 EU member states and 47 of the 79 OACPS member states.

The agreement has 103 articles comprising a common foundational compact and three regional protocols, namely: Africa–EU; Caribbean-EU, and Pacific-EU Regional Protocols with each regional protocol addressing the peculiar issues of the regions.

The African Regional Protocol consists of two parts; the first is the framework for cooperation, while the second deals with areas of cooperation, containing inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development; human and social development; environment, natural resources management, and climate change; peace and security; human rights, democracy and governance; and migration and mobility.

Nigeria signed the Agreement on Friday June 28, 2024. This was done after the extensive reviews and consultations by the Interministerial Committee, convened by the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Federal Ministry of Justice. It was ensured that none of the 103 Articles and Provisions of the Agreement contravenes the 1999 Constitution as amended or laws of Nigeria, and other extant Laws.

In addition, Nigeria’s endorsement was accompanied by a Statement of Declaration, dated June 26, 2024, clarifying its understanding and context of the Agreement within its jurisdiction to the effect that any provision that is inconsistent with the laws of Nigeria shall be invalid. It is instructive to note that there is an existing legislation against same sex relationship in Nigeria enacted in 2014.

We have thoroughly investigated the matter and we have spoken and gathered opinion of over 18 professors across the globe, most of which are professors of islamic jurisprudence.

It is necessary to assure Nigerians that the President Tinubu Administration, has not entered. any international agreement that will be detrimental to the interest of the country and its citizens. In negotiating the Agreement, the Nigerian officials strictly followed the mandates exchanged in 2018 between the EU and the OACPS for the process.

Our findings revealed that, the break of the story by a national newspaper was actually sponsored by some key opposition figure in the country to derailed the Tinubu administration from giving the good people of this country the real dividend of democracy.

Our investigation further revealed that, the big cry about the LGBTQ rights in the agreement is nothing but the work of the opposition, who have continuously sponsored media campaigns against the govt especially in the northern part of the country.

We also learnt that some enemies of the region have organized some youths for a series of protest across three northern states. We wish to call on the youths in the north to desist from being using by any opposition in the name of ‘Samoa Protest’ to disrupt the peace of the region.

Now, is not the time for politics, now is the time for governance and progress, it is therefore disheartening that some bad opposition have seized this Samoa Agreement issue to manipulate the youths and the north in an effort to create disharmony in the region .

The Concerned Northern Elite Forum has entrusted on ourselves that onerous responsibility to be the voice of the people to provide a virile, resounding, vibrant clarification on false information such as the Samoa Agreement and sundry and every plot aimed at discrediting the government and swaying public opinion against it.

This is too early and we wish to warn against the deliberate propagation of false narratives and the use of obscure groups to undermine the president’s good plans for the north and an effort to tarnish his reputation.

In the face of the unfolding, the Concerned Northern Elite Forum calls on President Tinubu and his team to remain vigilant and resolute in their commitment to the nation’s progress. We urge the President to be wary of the propaganda campaigns being orchestrated against his administration, and to stay focused on delivering on his promises to the Nigerian people.

It is imperative for the government to stay focused on its goals, remain resilient in the face of these challenges, and work towards ensuring a stable and prosperous future for Nigeria. The administration must anticipate and counteract these moves in order to safeguard the progress and development of the nation.

As a group dedicated to the advancement of our beloved country Nigeria, ee find it ridiculous for any group or person to try a use the Samoa Agreement to malign the government.

This is an unfair judgment from the government’s political opponents, against developments and circumstances that no one knew the nation will confront, and even against the failures and abuses the nation is having to pay for a biased media coverage.

Nura is Chairman of Concerned Northern Elite Forum, writes from Kano.

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