San. Dankogi Becomes FCT President of EHOAN

Oru Leonard 

Dist. Sanitarian, Ismaila Haruna Dankogi, after a fair, free and conclusive election, is now President of the Environmental Health Officers Association of Nigeria, FCT Abuja Chapter

The Environmental Health Officers Association of Nigeria is an  umbrella body responsible for the growth of her members,with the sole aim of promoting health, preventing diseases, and prolonging life of  the Public. As  a united family under God’s guidance dedicated to the promotion of the welfare of her members and the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Association.

The Association members comprises of the various cadres of Environmental Health Profession in Nigeria.
The motto of the Association is
“Health of one man is the Health of All.” and with a popular slogan “SANITAS SANITATUM”, and others to respond “OMNIA SANITAS.”
The objectives of the Association:
1.To promote and foster the welfare and unity of all Registered Environmental Health Officers, Environmental Health Technologists, Environmental Health Technicians and Environmental Health Assistants in Nigeria.

2. To promote, and foster the interest of its members through advocacy, linkages and interactions using available means of communication.

3. To consider and express views on all policies and regulations affectinig Environmental Health and Public Health Services in Nigeria through advocacy, public enlightment  campaign and Environmental Health Educatioin, promotion and community sensitization.
4.To publish newsletters, magazines, jingles as a means of disseminating   information of public health concerns to the general public  and also to  the interest of its members

5. To encourage research on issues of Environmental / Public Health concern and to make such findings available in order to add it  to the existing policies on Environmental Health in FCT, Nigeria.

Like every other Associations, following the expiration of tenure of the outgoing Excos, there was need for the election of  new Excos of EHOAN FCT Chapter.  Therefore, all the Executive position were advertised, forms were  purchased by interested candidates , screening was conducted by  Election Committee ahead of the proposed date of the  election.
On the 16th May 2024, all the members of the Association from the Six (6) Area Councils,  FCT SDA’s Parastatal and MDA’s comprises of (1) ABAJI (2)AMAC (3) BWARI(4) AEPB (5) EHCON  (6) GWAGWALADA (7) KUJE (8) KWALI (9) PUBLIC HEALTH (10) RUWASSA (11) STDD (12) AIRPORT (13) FMOH (14) FMOEnv (15) PRIVATE PRACTITIONERS/TECHNICAL PARTNERS (16) INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUALS converged at Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria Headquarters Durumi,Abuja to càst their votes and  elect the new Executives that will pioneer the affairs of the Association for the next three (3) years.

After the keenly contested election which was observed to be free, fair and conclusive.
The following names with designation emerged as the Executives of EHOAN-FCT..

1. Dist San. Ismaila Haruna. Dankogi.


San. Daniel Musa.


San. Nkechi J. E. Sunday.



San. Awolu  Christiana O.


San. Egene Tijani Eneojo

7. P. R. O.:

San. Nwawere C. Jude.


San. Nwawuihe Frankline  P.

9. PROVOST MARSHALL the San. Gabriel Eneji Oko.

The Executives has also been sworn in with  immediate effect.
In the President’s acceptance speech, He appreciated Almighty Allah ( God )for seeing the past Excos through and praised God ( Allah)  for allowing a successful transition which led to his emergence as the President. He acknowledged the overwhelming support he received from members and admitted that it’s a call to service.
In his words,  I’m overwhelmed with your unwavering support and aware of the task ahead. However, on this just concluded election, there is no winner! No looser . We are all winners because we are family. Although, it’s no longer a business as usual. The era of unethical practices and non professional Conduct in our profession/  job is over. All the quacks are advised to behave themselves, otherwise, they will be made to face the wrath of the law.He  Further stated that, his team will embark on aggressive orientation, sensitisation, publicity and visitation to higher Authorities and as well as embarking on full mobilisation of members to support Government effort towards a safe, clean and habitable environment devoid of nuisance, enhance and improve environmental Sanitation/ community sensitization on the areas of Environmental Health services.
He promised that his doors will be open to member for support with constructive ideas. And in conclusion, inline with the power conferred upon him, he appointed Sant Adetola Amina Dada as Senior Special Adviser on women wing matters to his office.
I will commence work with immediate effect because I am ready to serve as messenger-in-Chief.  Said, by the President, Dist. Sant. Ismaila  Haruna Dankogi

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