9 Things You’ll Notice In Your Body When You Have Kidney Damage


Kidney is each of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, that excrete urine. (Google)

The 7 functions of the kidneys
A – controlling ACID-base balance.
W – controlling WATER balance.
E – maintaining ELECTROLYTE balance.
T – removing TOXINS and waste products from the body.
B – controlling BLOOD PRESSURE.
E – producing the hormone ERYTHROPOIETIN.
D – activating vitamin D.

There are symptoms of kidney disease that we should be aware of. Once you identify any of these symptoms in your body, you need to go for medical treatment as soon as possible.
According to Healthline, these symptoms can be identified in your body before running medical tests. Here are some of the things you will notice in your body when you have kidney damage:

1. You will notice that you have puffy eyes, hands, or feet. This is called oedema in UK English but called edema in American English. This is a health condition whereby the face, legs, and some parts of the body are swollen.

2. The second symptom of kidney disease could be cloudy or tea-colored urine. The color of your urine is like tea or it is cloudy. Of course, sometimes urine can be cloudy depending on the type of food that you ate the previous day. However, if it is continuous and not just once, then you need to go for a medical test.

3. Another symptom you will notice is inexplicable high blood pressure. Your blood pressure is just suddenly shooting up or dropping inexplicably. You need to do a kidney function test.

This can also be because your kidneys are removing too many minerals from your blood. This can make your blood pressure go down.

4. Another symptom of kidney impairment is anemia or low PCV, which leads to paleness. The person is beginning to look pale.

When you check the eyes, tongue, and nails, everything looks pale. If you look at the fingernails, they are not pink because blood is not rich there.

5. When someone has fatigue or extreme tiredness, you just can’t explain why you’re feeling extremely tired. This could be a sign of kidney impairment. This doesn’t mean that anytime you are tired, your kidneys are affected.

However, it’s one of the signs of kidney impairment. It’s just like how diabetes can cause extreme thirst and can also be a symptom of kidney impairment.

6. When you have shortness of breath, it can be a sign of kidney impairment. You need to go check your kidney function.

7. When you have a loss of appetite, you don’t feel like eating. This could be a sign of kidney impairment.

8. Another one is nausea and vomiting. When people have kidney problems, they don’t remove waste products from their bodies properly, so the waste remains in the body. This makes them feel nauseous because anything irritates them very easily.

Sometimes they drink water and they vomit it.

9. Bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth and weight loss can also be symptoms of kidney impairment. This doesn’t mean if you see these signs, you have kidney impairment.

However, they could be a pointer to let us know when we need a medical test. If you see any or a combination of these factors, then go and do your kidney function test.

Contributions from Naijarecent

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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