102nd Birth Anniversary of Bangabandhu and National Children’s Day-2022 Celebrated in Rome with Festivity and Enthusiasm

Oru Leonard

Bangladesh Embassy in Rome observed the 102nd Birth Anniversary and National Children’s Day-2022 today in a befitting manner and with great enthusiasm and due festivity. On this special occasion, all the officers and officials of the Embassy took part in hoisting the national flag at 0931 hrs. at the Chancery premises, laying floral wreath at the portrait of the Father of the Nation followed by a one-minute silence in remembrance of the Father of the Nation and all the heroic martyrs of the war of liberation. In the second segment of the programme, the messages of this special day and excerpts from Bangabandhu’s “The Unfinished Memoirs” were read out, a cultural function with the participation of Bangladesh expatriate children and a discussion session on the significance of the day were held. Besides, the result of the Art and Essay competition arranged on this auspicious occasion was declared.

The programme started at 0931 hrs. with flag hoisting by Ambassador Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan while all the officers and officials remained present. In the second part of the day’s special programmes held at the Conference room of the Embassy with the Ambassador as Chair, the messages by the President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and the State Minister for Foreign Affairs were read out. Then a discussion session focusing on the significance of this special day was held where representatives from different social, cultural and political organizations and expatriate Bangladeshis took part.

Ambassador Mr. Ahsan in his welcome speech, paid deep tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the heroic martyrs of the war of liberation. He said that the teachings and ideals of Bangabandhu did not only motivate the Bengali nation to join the war of independence, but it would also continue to inspire the oppressed-suppressed and freedom-loving people all over the world. He mentioned that the dream of Bangabandhu was to ensure the economic and political emancipation of the Bangalees. To ensure the rights of general mass, he struggled throughout his life and got imprisoned for 13 years in different tenures – he added.

He opined that the charismatic leadership and magnificent personality of Bangabandhu tied the whole Bangalee nation to one thread that helped achieve the much coveted independence of Bangladesh in only nine months. He highlighted how the innate human qualities and deep affection of teenage Bangabandhu for children attracted the attention of all. He added that compassion that was evident in the character of Bangabandhu during his childhood shaped the fundamental trait of his political philosophy of later life and that was “love for the people”. He added that the iconic ideals of Bangabandhu will be an eternal source of inspiration for the Bangalees. At this joyous occasion, the Ambassador called for unity among Bangladeshi expatriates in Italy and sought sincere support and suggestions in extending the desired level of service by the Mission.

At this stage, some excerpts from “The Unfinished memoirs” of Bangabandhu were read out; in addition to officers of the Embassy, representatives from the young generation also participated in this section. During the cultural part, a recorded version of the cultural program consisting of musical performances with patriotic songs – related to Bangabandhu’s life and philosophy – by young community artists was enjoyed by the audience. The students of Shonchari Songitayon, a cultural organization of the community, directed by Ms. Susmita Sultana, enthralled the audience. At this juncture of time, a video compilation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation was played.

On this august occasion of the 102nd birth anniversary of Father of the Nation and National Children’s Day-2022, the auditorium was decorated with a festive look with banners, festoons, balloons and portraits of Bangabandhu, creating a joyous ambience. Jovial kids and teenagers spontaneously participated in the Art and Essay competition arranged on this great occasion. At the fag end, the result of the winners of those competitions was declared and a beautifully decorated delicious cake was cut to add cheers to the festivity of this joyful birthday celebration.

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